The truth about pay disparity

The title of account planners in Canada has more variety in job descriptions than other parts of the world. Why does that matter? The breadth of titles can make direct comparisons of credentials, job role, and salary challenging both for those in the discipline, and for those hiring. We partnered with Account Planning Group of Canada - APG Canada to uncover the truth about pay disparity – and let’s just say, it’s not good news.

In a recent Canadian-wide salary survey among account planners, we uncovered a problem that impacts all of us. The first step towards change is speaking more candidly about pay disparity. With APG, we want to make the results of this study available for all to read, share, and discuss. We hope it will educate, inform and empower each of us to challenge the status quo, to speak up and to drive action toward an equitable system.

Download the full report here.